Landscapes that Work for Biodiversity and People – Jan. 30

Landscapes that Work for Biodiversity and People – Jan. 30

Rivers Lab, SYRCL’s book club for river geeks, returns on Thursday, January 30 with “Landscapes that Work for Biodiversity and People.” Rivers Lab is a no pressure environment and a great way to learn more about the ecosystems surrounding us by reading relevant scientific literature. Details

Salmon Redds & Bald Eagles Awe 1,262 Expedition Participants

Salmon Redds & Bald Eagles Awe 1,262 Expedition Participants

People of all ages are awed by the challenges these salmon face and the perseverance required by this remarkable species to ensure its offspring will survive for another generation. In connecting these students and families to the treasure of the Lower Yuba River, we hope that Salmon Expedition participants leave with not only an appreciation for the resilience of this beautiful ecosystem, but a newfound desire to protect it. Details