River Monitoring Program

New Reservoir Assessment for Invasive Mussels

New Reservoir Assessment for Invasive Mussels

The vast majority of North America has been infested by zebra and quagga mussel. These mussels have profound impacts to aquatic ecosystems. SYRCL in partnership with Tahoe National Forest received a grant from the CA Department of Boating and Waterways to conduct a vulnerability assessment and develop a prevention plan for eight reservoirs. Details

Comment Period for Yuba River Ecosystem Study Closes 2.23
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Comment Period for Yuba River Ecosystem Study Closes 2.23

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has released a draft Feasibility Report & Environmental Assessment for the Yuba River. This interim study, which is now out for public review and comment (through February 23), presents a variety of actions and alternatives for restoring the Yuba River. Yet, in its suite of suggestions, it discounts the removal of Englebright and Daguerre Point Dams as fish passage options for the Yuba. Details

SYRCL Volunteers Complete 17th Year of River Monitoring

SYRCL Volunteers Complete 17th Year of River Monitoring

Each spring, volunteers are trained to collect scientifically credible data for water quality parameters such as water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity, conductivity and the presence of invasive and sensitive species for locations throughout the Yuba watershed. Thanks to the help of our diligent volunteers, data is collected each month from March to November, allowing SYRCL to monitor the health of the watershed over time. Details