Dams and Hydropower

Centennial Dam Declared Ineligible for State Funding

Centennial Dam Declared Ineligible for State Funding

The California Water Commission (CWC) officially declared the Centennial Dam project application ineligible for Water Storage Investment Program (WSIP) Proposition 1 funding. The Commissioners’ unanimous ruling came late afternoon on Tuesday, May 1, the first day of their three-day meeting focused on finalizing the public benefit ratio scores for all WSIP project applicants. Details

The Conservation Community Speaks: Army Corps Should Study Dams
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The Conservation Community Speaks: Army Corps Should Study Dams

The Army Corps is the only entity with the authority to address their infrastructure–namely Englebright Dam and Daguerre Point Dam–which are the two most obvious impediments to fish and volitional passage in the entire Yuba River watershed. Not addressing this in their feasibility study is unacceptable. Details