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SYRCL’s Quiz Night was a Rollicking Success

SYRCL’s Quiz Night was a Rollicking Success

Due to the pandemic, SYRCL hasn’t been able to have an in-person Quiz Night since 2019. In the interim, we re-imagined the event to meet current in-person event dynamics. This year, Quiz Night was held on 3/12/24 at Gold Vibe Kombuchary from 6-9 pm.

Participants tested their knowledge of all sorts of esoteric and pop culture information, from geography to history to cinema to music to sports to the Yuba River watershed. Emcee Maddie Davis, SYRCL’s Community Engagement Manager, did an amazing job of keeping participants on task, engaged, and focused on fun.

Twenty-one teams competed during the event. At the end there had to be a tiebreaker between two teams, Three Drink Funny and the Hot Saws. Three Drink Funny was the eventual winner.

CCKA Advocacy Day: SYRCL’s Impactful Dialogue with Key California Decision Makers

CCKA Advocacy Day: SYRCL’s Impactful Dialogue with Key California Decision Makers

On March 5th Aaron Zettler-Mann, SYRCL’s Executive Director, and Traci Sheehan, SYRCL’s Policy Manager, represented SYRCL at the California Coastkeeper Alliance’s (CCKA) annual Advocacy Day, engaging in meaningful conversations with key state-level decision-makers and agencies. 

During Advocacy Day, our meetings centered around pressing issues that affect the Yuba River watershed, including water and instream flows needed for salmon and protections that ensure our rivers are swimmable, fishable, and drinkable.

We had the opportunity to sit down with Wade Crowfoot, Director of the California Natural Resources Agency, and Chuck Bonham, the Director of California Fish and Wildlife, among others, to discuss potential collaborative efforts and advocate for much needed river flows in the Yuba for the survival of salmon and our fisheries.

Wild & Scenic Trail Mile Marker Installation Along Over 35 Miles

Wild & Scenic Trail Mile Marker Installation Along Over 35 Miles

We have begun to install Mile Marker posts throughout the South Yuba Canyon. On Wednesday, February 28th, SYRCL staff worked with California State Parks to install trail mile markers at Bridgeport State Park and the trails near 49 crossing. There is still a lot of work to be done and we need your help.