Centennial Dam

Update on Centennial Dam
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Update on Centennial Dam

Nevada Irrigation District is re-engaging in an effort to plan for their future water needs. The resulting plan will be known as the Plan for Water and the public process kicks off on November 9th at 4PM. The final version of the plan will reassess hydrology, water supply, and demand over the next 50 years. Ultimately, the plan will help NID determine if our region needs additional water storage. Thus, this planning process will be an important inflection point in the campaign against Centennial Dam.

SYRCL’s Salmon Expeditions Serve More Students
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SYRCL’s Salmon Expeditions Serve More Students

Earlier this month, we resumed Salmon Expeditions for grade school students from Nevada and Yuba counties after a year away from the river.

SYRCL has worked with schools to implement COVID-safety precautions so the organization can float nearly 1,200 students down the lower Yuba River on rafts to witness spawning salmon. Thanks to a generous grant from Yuba Water Agency, students from Title 1 schools in Yuba County are able to attend free of charge.

Yuba Salmon Now Update: Federal Judge Says it’s Time to End Debate on Yuba River Dams
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Yuba Salmon Now Update: Federal Judge Says it’s Time to End Debate on Yuba River Dams

SYRCL and Friends of the River recently sent a letter to the National Marine Fisheries Service to compel the agency to craft a watershed-wide solution to save the threatened species native to the Yuba Watershed, including Spring-run Chinook salmon, steelhead trout, and green sturgeon. The letter demands a new biological opinion, presenting compelling evidence that harm caused by the Corps’ dams, compounded by increased harm from climate change, is responsible for the dramatic decrease in Yuba River fish populations. Details

SYRCL’s Statement on NID Election Campaign Mailer
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SYRCL’s Statement on NID Election Campaign Mailer

A misleading mailer, sent by Rich Johansen, a candidate for the Nevada Irrigation District Board of Directors, implies that SYRCL is a “backer” of his opponent, John Norton.

As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, SYRCL cannot and does not engage in any political activity, and as an organization SYRCL does not support, oppose, or contribute to any candidates for elected office—period. Details