Defend the Parks: Thank the Board of Supervisors on Jan 24th!

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The Nevada County Board of Supervisors will vote on Tuesday, January 24th to send a letter to the State Parks Department endorsing a new partnership plan to charge for parking at Bridgeport. Generating new revenues for state parks is a necessity if we are to keep these parks open. Please join SYRCL at the meeting to encourage and thank the Board for taking this important next step.

Please attend the Board meeting on Tuesday, January 24th
(Meeting starts at 9am; no need to arrive before 10am)
Board Chambers, Eric Rood Administrative Center, 950 Maidu Avenue, Nevada City
You can also email the Board at:
(Please copy Miriam at SYRCL:


With over 400 people at the December 12th rally to Save Our Yuba State Parks, and with nearly 10,000 letters and petition signatures collected since, this community has succeeded in making its’ voice heard at the County and State levels that we will defend our local state parks.

The South Yuba River and Malakoff Diggins State Parks were put on the 70-park closure list because they do not generate significant direct revenue. Therefore, the best chance for keeping the state parks open is to generate new revenue.

The State Parks staff proposes to institute pay parking at Bridgeport to generate needed funds. To ensure maximum use of the parking lots and enhance pedestrian safety, the State has requested that the County increase the area of restricted parking within several hundred feet of the park entrance along Pleasant Valley Road.

Over the past few weeks, State and County officials have met with community members to review this plan. We applaud Supervisor Hank Weston for his leadership in forging a partnership between the state and county that we hope will help keep our state parks open. Supervisor Weston has prepared a letter to State Parks Acting District Superintendent Matt Green confirming the County’s endorsement of this plan. Weston’s letter also includes the Board’s offer to facilitate efforts to reduce operating costs at Malakoff Diggins State Historic Park by installing solar panels to lower energy costs there.

We recognize that charging for parking is a necessity if we are to keep the state parks open. Therefore, we urge parks’ supporters to contact the Nevada County Board of Supervisors, either in writing or by coming to the Tuesday, January 24th Board meeting, to encourage and thank the Board for sending this important letter to State Parks, which demonstrates our County’s commitment to support the State Parks’ effort to generate needed revenue.

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